Friday, July 11, 2008

I Have a New Friend

and his name is Dexter

Have you seen this show?

It follows the life of a Miami PD blood-spatter analyst who hides his dark secret from the world. He's a serial killer who preys on killers that have slipped through the cracks of the legal system.

My cable company offered me an extra movie package last week for 2 bucks a month. I immediately thought of Dexter and Weeds and signed up for Showtime.

Before this, I caught a few scenes here and there when CBS was airing episodes of Dexter. I'm not sure if they stopped, but it was never enough to get into the show.

Starting this past Sunday, Showtime is airing each episode of Season 2 in its run-up to the Season 3 debut in September. I watched almost all of Season 2 On Demand Monday night. Yes, Tuesday sucked.

It was enough to get me to go out and buy Season 1. Now, I can't wait for Season 3.

The characters are well written. The story is interesting. The levels of suspense and surprise are enough to keep you coming back for more. But above all, it has got some pretty dark humor. I think that's why I like it so much.

If you get a chance to see the show, whether it's on the web, Showtime, or CBS, I highly recommend it.


glittermom said...

Yes Dexter is the man! There are also the Dexter books...the tv show is based on the novels...Or are they novels?

Jen said...

also, dexter is not your "friend". he's no ones friend.... spooky!

Mojito Libre said...

You're right...he pretends to be your friend. We just finished up the first season this past weekend. I really cannot wait for the 3rd season to start.

Oh, and the only reason I kept HBO is for "Generation Kill" which is a miniseries about the first few days of the invasion into Iraq. It premiered last night...not too bad, but after that wraps up, I'm cancelling the channel.