Monday, September 29, 2008

Things I like/Things I don't like...On Vacation

Things I like:
- Warm Air
- Cold Beer
-Warm Ocean Water
- Good open fired steaks
- "Taco-Boy" restaurant tacos
- watching my son standng in the surf
- sitting in a tide pool looking at shells with my son
- beautiful million dollar digs

- being complimented on my tattoo sleeve by a surfer...pretty cool!
- Showing the southern religious register jockey of the island grocery store my tattoo of hell and the devil after she asks to see the "Colorful" tattoo that is peaking out from my sleeve.
- cheap cheap cigarettes
- late nights
- spending my wife's b-day on the beach
- having a pool within 20 feet of the condo
- not thinking about work for a week
- not worrying about bills for a week
- Thinking Showtime is available at the condo to watch premiere of Dexter
- taking my time
- Playing Wii Playground with my nephew
- Piggly Wiggly

Things I don't like:
- Sand
- More sand
- wrestling with my son to get sunscreen on him
- wrestling with my son to get his swim trunks on him
- wrestling with my son to get him in the car to go to the beach
- wrestling with my beer when the cap doesn't open properly
- ice cold swimming pool (I mean cold, cold, cold...Lake Erie is warmer!)
- Learning about Major Got-Danged Layoffs when I'm away on vacation....
- "Pan Seared Tuna" tacos at "Taco Boy" taco restaurant...didn't realize that the tuna taco was pan-seared, i.e. RAW. But, not too bad....
- Learning about layoffs
- Early mornings
- Keeping up on the Kettlebell routine
- expensive, expensive gasoline
- Realizing my nephew figured
out how to play Wii playground in 1 evening.

- Not having Showtime to watch the premiere of Dexter
- Realizing I'm south of the Mason-Dixon line where full back tattoos of a Zeppelin album cover is acceptable and normal.
- did I mention layoffs? What the hell gives????


Jen said...

aw, i'm sorry you read my blog and got all worried about layoffs!

keep in mind, rumors are always rampant at our job. also, you're one of the best people they have in QA. if anything, they'll cut costs by getting rid of some leads.

sh*t, now i need to go worry!

copaX said...

Everybody relax.

Mojito, you're on vacation, that means it's against the rules of vacationism to think about work. Just relax, enjoy the time away, and enjoy your family.

Layoffs are an ugly animal, it's like firing but they don't have to have a legitimate reason behind it. You can do the bestest job in the world and never screw up anything, and still get laid off. So, my point is, worrying about it gets you nowhere. All that worry does is cause us physical stress. It doesn't protect us from bad things, it actually makes us susceptible to other potential bad things.

Ok, I'll stop lecturing, everybody go have fun and don't worry, be happy :)

Mojito Libre said...

Well, I always get a bit worked up when it comes to talk about layoffs. I've been through all that kind of crap before where I didn't know if I'd be employed from one day to the next. Oh well...I'm gonna have to not think about it like Copax said and immerse myself in southern charm, Sonic drive-ins, Yuengling by the gallon and tasty waves :)

copaX said...

Yeah, I hear ya. where I'm at could close the doors within 3 months, maybe sooner, maybe longer.

But like I said, is worrying about it going to change it? if there's something we can actively do about the situation, then that's fine. but we can't protect against everything.

and you're on vacation too. so go vacation :)